SAT Prep

All the information you could want about the SAT test can be found here at collegeboard:
Next Exam Is June 5th 2021!
Next Exam Is June 5th 2021!
SAT Review
SAT Review Guide For Math (Topics and Practice)
KHAN Academy SAT Review Course
See how you stack up to over 150 Colleges and Universities
Celebrity SAT Scores
SAT Review Notes and Strategies
Full Practice Tests and Solutions
KHAN Academy SAT Review Course
See how you stack up to over 150 Colleges and Universities
Celebrity SAT Scores
SAT Review Notes and Strategies
Full Practice Tests and Solutions
SAT Review Websites (Great website for both math and verbel review)
All students must create a free account for SAT Prep Class & use my e-mail address for the space that say's coaches e-mail address. ([email protected]) (Website with a lot of practice problems for the SAT and many other tests) (Numberous tips and downloadble sample questions) (10 different practice mini SAT's that they will grade for you) (All the different topics covered in the Math Section of the SAT) (Some practice questions and test taking tips/strategies)
All students must create a free account for SAT Prep Class & use my e-mail address for the space that say's coaches e-mail address. ([email protected]) (Website with a lot of practice problems for the SAT and many other tests) (Numberous tips and downloadble sample questions) (10 different practice mini SAT's that they will grade for you) (All the different topics covered in the Math Section of the SAT) (Some practice questions and test taking tips/strategies)
Day 1: Introduction to the SAT's (Strategies) (4/19/10)
Day 2: Practice Test Section 25 Minutes (4/20/10)
Day 3: Two Practice Sections 45 Minutes (4/21/10)
Day 4: Going over Practice Sections and Students will grade their Tests (4/22/10)
Day 5: Strategies for increasing SAT Math Scores and look at SAT examples (4/23/10)
Day 6: Go over strategies and different methods of solving problems (4/26/10)
Day 7: Complete Worksheets in class (4/27/10)
Day 8: Complete Worksheets in class (4/28/10)
Day 9: Working on (Arithmatic) in the library (4/29/10)
Day 10: Working on (Arithmatic) and starting (Data Analysis) (4/30/10)
Day 11: Practice Problems (Startegies for Solving Different Problems) (5/3/10)
Day 12: Practice Section 3 on Test 1 (5/4/10)
Day 13: Practice Section 8 Test 1 (Review) (5/5/10)
Day 14: Working on (Geometry) (5/6/10)
Day 15: Working on (Data Analysis) (5/7/10)
Day 16: Practice Section 5 Test 1 (5/10/10)
Day 17: Logic Puzzles (Mindtrap) (5/11/10)
Day 18: Practice Section 2 (Test 2) (5/12/10)
Day 19: Working in (Algebra) (5/13/10)
Day 20: Finishing math sections (Complete for Monday) (5/14/10)
Day 21: Complete One Practice SAT Section and Review (5/17/10)
Day 22: Complete One Practice SAT Section and Review (5/18/10)
Day 23: Archimedes Infinite Secrets Video (5/19/10)
Day 24: Reviewing Strategies and finishing Archimedes Video (5/20/10)
Day 25: First Test of the Quarter (Half SAT test, Half SAT Strategies) (5/21/10)
Day 2: Practice Test Section 25 Minutes (4/20/10)
Day 3: Two Practice Sections 45 Minutes (4/21/10)
Day 4: Going over Practice Sections and Students will grade their Tests (4/22/10)
Day 5: Strategies for increasing SAT Math Scores and look at SAT examples (4/23/10)
Day 6: Go over strategies and different methods of solving problems (4/26/10)
Day 7: Complete Worksheets in class (4/27/10)
Day 8: Complete Worksheets in class (4/28/10)
Day 9: Working on (Arithmatic) in the library (4/29/10)
Day 10: Working on (Arithmatic) and starting (Data Analysis) (4/30/10)
Day 11: Practice Problems (Startegies for Solving Different Problems) (5/3/10)
Day 12: Practice Section 3 on Test 1 (5/4/10)
Day 13: Practice Section 8 Test 1 (Review) (5/5/10)
Day 14: Working on (Geometry) (5/6/10)
Day 15: Working on (Data Analysis) (5/7/10)
Day 16: Practice Section 5 Test 1 (5/10/10)
Day 17: Logic Puzzles (Mindtrap) (5/11/10)
Day 18: Practice Section 2 (Test 2) (5/12/10)
Day 19: Working in (Algebra) (5/13/10)
Day 20: Finishing math sections (Complete for Monday) (5/14/10)
Day 21: Complete One Practice SAT Section and Review (5/17/10)
Day 22: Complete One Practice SAT Section and Review (5/18/10)
Day 23: Archimedes Infinite Secrets Video (5/19/10)
Day 24: Reviewing Strategies and finishing Archimedes Video (5/20/10)
Day 25: First Test of the Quarter (Half SAT test, Half SAT Strategies) (5/21/10)
New York Times Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzles are a great way to help prepare for the SAT Verbal section!