Math 163 (College Algebra)
Fall 2016 (6:00 - 8:40) (Room: E-BESS 316)
This course explores the nature and scope of college mathematics through the study of functions. Topics include the study of polynomial, rational, radical, piece-wise defined, and absolute value functions and their graphs and applications as well as modeling with these functions. Additional topics include complex numbers, the binomial theorem, inverse functions, operations with functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs and applications.
Note: 3 credits awarded for MATH 163 for a CLEP Precalculus Exam score of 50 or higher. NOTE: Course offered every fall, spring and may be offered during additional sessions.
Prerequisites: ENGL 052 or ESOL 052 and RDNG 052 or ESOL 054; or ACLT 052; and Algebra I and II in high school and a satisfactory score on the placement exam; or MATH 083.
Fall 2016 (6:00 - 8:40) (Room: E-BESS 316)
This course explores the nature and scope of college mathematics through the study of functions. Topics include the study of polynomial, rational, radical, piece-wise defined, and absolute value functions and their graphs and applications as well as modeling with these functions. Additional topics include complex numbers, the binomial theorem, inverse functions, operations with functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs and applications.
Note: 3 credits awarded for MATH 163 for a CLEP Precalculus Exam score of 50 or higher. NOTE: Course offered every fall, spring and may be offered during additional sessions.
Prerequisites: ENGL 052 or ESOL 052 and RDNG 052 or ESOL 054; or ACLT 052; and Algebra I and II in high school and a satisfactory score on the placement exam; or MATH 083.
Lessons and Worksheets
Day 1: Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities (10/19/16)
Practice Worksheets: Absolute Value Inequalities, Absolute Value Equations
Videos: Solving Absolute Value Equations, Solving Absolute Value Inequalities
Introduction to Functions & Review of Lines
Practice Worksheets: Evaluate Functions, Function vs Relation, Functions #2
Practice Worksheets: Finding Slope , Equations of Lines
Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Videos: Equations of Lines with 2 Points, Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Day 2: Quadratic Functions and Finding the Vertex (10/24/16)
Transformations of Graphs Worksheet
Quadratic Functions Worksheet #1 and Worksheet #2
Vertex Form Worksheet with Interactive Applet
Vertex Form Worksheet #2
Review Materials: Factoring Trinomials, Worksheet #2, Worksheet #3
Predict the Ages
Day 3: Linear Regression (Age Predictions) (10/26/16)
Complete the Square Review, Writing Quadratic Equations in Vertex Form
Introduction to Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs
Practice Worksheet: Linear Regression Equation Worksheet
Practice Worksheet: End Behavior Practice Worksheet
Day 4: Review PRACTICE TEST #1 (10/31/16)
End Behavior is a topic covered on the first exam but is not shown on the practice test.
(Try to complete End Behavior Practice worksheet for review)
Day 5: Exam #1 (11/2/16)
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #1 (Complete the Factoring Worksheet) HINT: a couple are NOT factorable
Day 6: Long and Synthetic Division of Polynomials (11/7/16)
Video for Synthetic Division & Video for Long Division
Practice Worksheets for Polynomial Division
Long Division Worksheet with NOTES
Extra Long Division Worksheet
Finding Zeros of a Polynomial (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra)
Practice Worksheet (Finding Zeros and Factoring)
Day 7: Finish Finding Zeros of Function & Descartes Rule of Sign Changes, Rational Zero Theorem (11/9/16)
Quiz #2 (Due Monday 11/21)
Day 8: Asymptotes and Graphs of Polynomials (11/14/16)
Practice Worksheets: Descartes Rule of Sign Change
Graphing and Evaluating Piecewise Functions
Review Practice Exam #2 (SOLUTIONS)
Day 9: Finish Unit 2 and Review for Exam #2 (11/16/16)
Videos #1 and #2
Day 10: EXAM #2 (11/21/16)
Extra Credit (Due 12/5)
Day 11: NO CLASS COLLEGE CLOSED! (Sorry) (11/23/16)
Day 12: Binomial Theorem (Videos: #1, #2, #3) (11/28/16)
Practice Worksheet: Binomial Theorem
Operations with Functions & Inverse Functions and One-to-One Functions
Practice Worksheets: Function Operations, Composition Functions
Practice Worksheets: Inverse Functions #1, Extra Practice Inverse Functions
Inverse and One-to-One Functions
Day 13: Exponentials and Logs (PowerPoint #1 and #2) Solving Logarithmic Equations (11/30/16)
Practice Worksheet, Video on Logs
Practice Worksheet: Solving Logarithmic Equations
QUIZ #3 (Due Monday 12/5)
Solving Radical Equations (Domain and Range with functions)
Practice Radicals Worksheet #1 & #2
Day 14: Exam #3 (12/5/16)
Extra Credit #3
(REVIEW VIDEOS) (Website with Video Reviews)
(Go over Practice Final) Review for Final Exam (SOLUTIONS)
Day 15: Final Exam (12/7/16)
Q3 Solutions