MATH 135 – 3 Credits
Applied Algebra and Trigonometry
Covers a wide range of college-level algebraic and trigonometric topics, such as linear and quadratic equations, right-triangle trigonometry and vectors, exponents, and logarithms, and students will develop problem-solving skills relevant to their disciplines. This course is primarily for students in certain technically oriented disciplines.
Prerequisites: ENGL 051 or ESOL 042 and RDNG 052 or ESOL 054; or ACLT 052; and MATH 083
Applied Algebra and Trigonometry
Covers a wide range of college-level algebraic and trigonometric topics, such as linear and quadratic equations, right-triangle trigonometry and vectors, exponents, and logarithms, and students will develop problem-solving skills relevant to their disciplines. This course is primarily for students in certain technically oriented disciplines.
Prerequisites: ENGL 051 or ESOL 042 and RDNG 052 or ESOL 054; or ACLT 052; and MATH 083
Day 1: Review Material: Distributive Property and Combine Like Terms, Rules/Laws of Exponents (7/14/14)
Practice Worksheets: Combine Like Terms #1 and #2, Distributive Property #1 & #2, Rules with Exponents
Day 2: Review Material: Literal Equations, Factoring, Proportions (7/15/14)
Practice Worksheets: Literal Equations, Factoring, Solving Proportions
Day 3: Review Material: Equations of Lines and Slopes, Extra PowerPoint (7/16/14)
Practice Worksheets: Slope with two points, Slope from an Equation, Writing the Equation of a Line
Assignment #1 Due Monday (7/21/14)
Day 4: Finish up Major Topics 1 & 2, Converting Units of Measure, Direct and Inverse Variation (7/17/14)
Practice Worksheets: Direct an Inverse Variation, Converting Units of Measure
Day 5: Assignment #1 and Extra Credit #1 Due Today (7/21/14)
Practice Exam #1
Day 6: CLASS CANCELED! (7/22/14)
Day 7: Review for UNIT EXAM #1 (7/23/14)
Day 8: UNIT EXAM #1 (7/24/14)
Day 9: Linear and Quadratic Functions Finding the Vertex of a Quadratic (7/28/14)
Practice Worksheets: Finding the vertex, Instructions on how to find the vertex with a graphing calculator
Day 10: Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing, Substitution and Elimination (7/29/14)
Day 11: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoing, Graphing, and using the Quadratic Formula (7/30/14)
Assignment #2 (Due Tuesday 8/5)
Day 12: Class Canceled! (ASSIGNMENT #2 is due Tuesday now instead of Monday because of the delay) (7/31/14)
Day 13: Right Triangle Trigonometry (8/4/14)
Practice Worksheets: Trig Ratios, Finding a Missing Side, Finding a Missing Angle
Day 14: Finish Up Unit 2 (8/5/14)
Day 15: Review for Unit 2 Exam (ANSWERS to Practice Test #2) (8/6/14)
Day 16: Unit 2 Exam (8/7/14)
Day 17: Law of Sines (8/11/14)
Practice Worksheet: Law of Sines
Day 18: Law of Cosines (8/12/14)
Practice Worksheet: Law of Cosines
Day 19: Law of Sines and Cosines (8/13/14)
Assignment #3 (Due Monday 8/18)
Day 20: Exponential's and Logarithms PowerPoint #1, #2, and #3 (8/14/13)
Practice Worksheets: Growth and Decay, Properties of Logs, Solving Equations
Day 18of of of
y PowerPointPropExpdfsdfsfsf
Day 21: Review for Unit Exam #3 Assignment #4 (ANSWERS) (Due by Sat) (8/18/14)
Day 23: Review for Final Exam (8/20/14)
Day 24: Final Exam (8/21/14)
Practice Worksheets: Combine Like Terms #1 and #2, Distributive Property #1 & #2, Rules with Exponents
Day 2: Review Material: Literal Equations, Factoring, Proportions (7/15/14)
Practice Worksheets: Literal Equations, Factoring, Solving Proportions
Day 3: Review Material: Equations of Lines and Slopes, Extra PowerPoint (7/16/14)
Practice Worksheets: Slope with two points, Slope from an Equation, Writing the Equation of a Line
Assignment #1 Due Monday (7/21/14)
Day 4: Finish up Major Topics 1 & 2, Converting Units of Measure, Direct and Inverse Variation (7/17/14)
Practice Worksheets: Direct an Inverse Variation, Converting Units of Measure
Day 5: Assignment #1 and Extra Credit #1 Due Today (7/21/14)
Practice Exam #1
Day 6: CLASS CANCELED! (7/22/14)
Day 7: Review for UNIT EXAM #1 (7/23/14)
Day 8: UNIT EXAM #1 (7/24/14)
Day 9: Linear and Quadratic Functions Finding the Vertex of a Quadratic (7/28/14)
Practice Worksheets: Finding the vertex, Instructions on how to find the vertex with a graphing calculator
Day 10: Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing, Substitution and Elimination (7/29/14)
Day 11: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoing, Graphing, and using the Quadratic Formula (7/30/14)
Assignment #2 (Due Tuesday 8/5)
Day 12: Class Canceled! (ASSIGNMENT #2 is due Tuesday now instead of Monday because of the delay) (7/31/14)
Day 13: Right Triangle Trigonometry (8/4/14)
Practice Worksheets: Trig Ratios, Finding a Missing Side, Finding a Missing Angle
Day 14: Finish Up Unit 2 (8/5/14)
Day 15: Review for Unit 2 Exam (ANSWERS to Practice Test #2) (8/6/14)
Day 16: Unit 2 Exam (8/7/14)
Day 17: Law of Sines (8/11/14)
Practice Worksheet: Law of Sines
Day 18: Law of Cosines (8/12/14)
Practice Worksheet: Law of Cosines
Day 19: Law of Sines and Cosines (8/13/14)
Assignment #3 (Due Monday 8/18)
Day 20: Exponential's and Logarithms PowerPoint #1, #2, and #3 (8/14/13)
Practice Worksheets: Growth and Decay, Properties of Logs, Solving Equations
Day 18of of of
y PowerPointPropExpdfsdfsfsf
Day 21: Review for Unit Exam #3 Assignment #4 (ANSWERS) (Due by Sat) (8/18/14)
Day 23: Review for Final Exam (8/20/14)
Day 24: Final Exam (8/21/14)